Saturday, January 17, 2009

Ice + Water.. 'needed'

Vid yoyocici luthu lg niii... Photobucket

Sunday, January 11, 2009



lam nal dl yaah.. Photobucket
panggil aza Kha~ (sksd) ahahahaha

Blog nii isi na..
yg jlz mwa isi'na bhub ma caia dunk... Narxiz mode on... ahahahaha

selain berisi posting2 dari Kha, d'bLog nii jg d'sdiain Link2 kheyen..
ex :
Yoyocici emoticons ---> isi'na mwa emoticons yg eka tampiLin d'bloG nii
Hi5 emoticons ---> isi'na muacem2 emoticons, mule dr yoyocici (teteeep), shinchan, bunny, de el el

dah ah basa basi na.. jd basi...

Hav Fun d Blog nii.. d' tunggu comment'na.. Photobucket

- Kha -

How 2 get a gal~

d'ambil dr article wikihow

click gmbar d'ataz km akan d'direct k' Link'na.. ihihiih..


  1. Have your own life. If you tend to fall into the "friend zone", this is especially important. Girls don't like guys who have no lives, and who cling to them like plastic wrap. Actually, some girls do like that, but usually for all the wrong reasons--either they're insecure and needy for attention, or they're control freaks who like to dominate guys. Unless you want to sign up for either of those scenarios, focus filling your time with your own friendships, interests, and goals.
  2. Make an impression. There's no one-size-fits-all solution here. What impresses one girl might make another roll her eyes. Your best bet is to be yourself. Demonstrate a unique skill or talent that you're proud of, something that sets you apart from the crowd. Not only will this make her feel good about you, but it can boost your confidence, too.
  3. Flirt. When you see or meet a girl you like, make brief eye contact. Smile. Strike up a casual conversation. Most importantly, relax. Don't think of her as the girl of your dreams; don't worry about what will happen if you make a bad joke, or you've got something stuck to your teeth. Enjoy interacting with this attractive, friendly girl whose path crossed yours. Live in the moment.
  4. Talk to her. Tell her what you really enjoy in life, what gets you excited and what you want to leap out of bed to pursue. Ask her what she really loves in life and what gets her excited. Be positive. If you have had a bad day, still greet them with pleasure and a big smile. Most importantly, listen.
  5. Be romantic. The stereotypical icons of romance (roses, candles and chocolate) can only go so far. Think about what really gets that special someone excited. Recognize what makes her unique, and find/do things for them that only they would appreciate. What are her quirky (perhaps secret) interests, obsessions and fantasies? Whenever she's shopping, talking, or watching a movie, what makes her eyes light up? Pay attention! Being romantic means acknowledging how special a person is, and that means demonstrating that you know--better than anyone else in the world--what makes her unique.
  6. Break the touch barrier. There are several ways to touch a girl without being sleazy. Hold her coat while she puts it on. Offer her your hand when she's stepping on an uneven surface. Hold out your elbow so she can link arms with you as you walk together. Hold out your hand so you can lead her through a crowd. Rub her hands when they're cold. These are all polite ways to get a little closer without being creepy. Still, if you see any signs of discomfort, stop! Otherwise, she'll probably enjoy the affection.
  7. Compliment her. If you really like this girl, you probably appreciate a lot of things about her. Why not let her know? If anything is different or new (her hairstyle, nail polish color, shirt), make note of it. The more unique the compliment, the better received it will be, unless she's shallow. Most girls like being complimented on something that makes them distinct, not something that plenty of other girls have. If you compliment her appearance, try to be original. Better yet, compliment her personality or skills.
  8. Make her laugh. Telling jokes or funny stories is the classic way to make a person laugh, but not the only one. Find out which are her favorite comedians, funny movies, or sitcoms. Watch them with her. Be bold and think of some antics that'll make her laugh. Tell her to dare you to do something, then do it (as long as it's not dangerous or illegal, of course).
  9. Ask her out. Invite her to go somewhere or do something with you--make sure it's something that you're both interested in. If you want, show her your world. Bring her somewhere that you feel comfortable and preferably, where you have or do something that you're proud of. Or, express interest in seeing her world. Is she a musician? Ask if you can see her perform. Is she a mathematician? Ask to read her report or thesis. Or, just go out for lunch or a cup of coffee and get to know her better.

Take your time. Don't be pushy or needy. Continue courting her by following the steps above, but don't rush things. If you end up in a relationship with this girl, she'll always remember how you made her feel when you were just getting to know each other. Make her feel appreciated, not invisible or smothered.

  • Too much of anything is bad. Being too preoccupied with your own life, using every single opportunity to touch her, showering her with too many compliments, and cracking enough jokes to rival a stand up comedian can all ruin your chances with a girl.
  • Be hygienic. Body odor and uncleanliness are universal turn-offs. That includes bad breath, flatulence, burping, and foot odor. Shower and brush your teeth daily (right before you see her is ideal), trim your nails, and wash your clothes and shoes regularly. Some girls find the smell of cigarette smoke or strong cologne offensive.
  • Never try to make her jealous. This tends to backfire on the guy who does this. If you're trying to find out if, in fact, she does like you, become friends with her friends and get them to find out. Or watch how she acts around you and around other guys. Is it different? If it is, than it means somethings there.

Gaya Komunikasi dgn Tewe~

nii post by reQ dr tmn Kha.. ihihihi..
tipz 'n trick wat dptin tewe..
tp sblm ituu, mdink au karakteristik tewe dl x yaah.. yg kdg2 towo nda gt ngati..
gt kah? nyotoy dikid.. ehehehe
Hopely helpful yaah Hokky~

Dr bku "Understanding Your Communication Syles" (dgn gaya bhs ala Kha)
ps : wrna mrah ntu comment dr Kha

Kaum tewe tu dgn sgala keindahan'na, mahluk yg lbi aluz dr towo, lbi bnyk track d' otak'na, lbi sensitiph, lbi pasiph, lbi cermat 'n sderet karater aluz laen'na, hrz d'adepin dgn extra ati2... sx sala akan sulit dech wat m'perbaiki'na..

Naah.. Nii da bbrp tips wat ng'adepin kaum hawa..
* Jgn lgsg mzk pd topik utama
* Bicara'in ttg crita sosial 'n khidupan s'ari2 wat narik minat mreka
* Guna'in kta2 yg relatif aluz 'n copan
* Guna'in nada cuara sedang2 aza
* Bbrp topic d'sampein dgn penekanan kusuz
* Kurangin data2 yg bsifat eksak, ex : data statistik, angka2, de el el
* Guna'in pndekatan psikologis yg anget 'n pnuh psahabatan
* Hargai mreka dgn muji2 klebian kaum mreka
* Beri pujian ataz gaun, baju, aksesori lain yg mreka pkai. Biasa'na d'lakuin d awal pmbicaraan

kaum tewe tu memang lbi aluz d'bndngin ama kaum towo (ktna loo).. bkn cm dlm hal fisik, tp jg tu2r kata 'n prasaan.. mreka cenderung m'ngutamakanj k'hangatan persahabatan d'bndingin urusan bisnis yg kaku 'n dingin (bnr bgt tu).. mreka lbi ng'depanin hub jangka pnjang drpd hub jangka pndek.. o/ krn itu, hub transaksional aliaz untung rugi yg kerap d'bangun kaum towo, nda dpt ruang yg guede d' dri tewe.. (inget2.. ihihi)

sbg tmbahan.. klo km mao ng'jlzin alamat k'kaum tewe, gaya yg d'pke nda sm kek k' kaum towo.. kaum tewe mzti d'jlzin dgn jwban yg b'sifat sosial 'n bkn jawaban angka2 eksak spt yg bs d'trima kaum towo.. (bnr2.. stuju2.. klo d'jlzin alamat.. "+- jln 3 km tyuz blok knan" mana ngati cb.. mdink "luruus.. nti klo ktmu warung kuning ng'jrenk belok knan" naah..")

yg trakir niii.. mnurut kha sii.. klo mao ng'dktin tewe nii tahap awal yg mzti d'plajarin..
yg ptg knalin dl org'na kek gmn... uhuk2..

Saturday, January 10, 2009

It'z all 'bout present~

Quote bgz nii dr MySpace~ Photobucket

Quotes Myspace Comments

Mine 'n His~

Numpang mejeng poto aaah... Photobucket

Niii poto tgn Kha ma Ayank.. ehehehe.. Photobucket
cm d'edit2 dkit..
yg qri itu tgn Kha.. yg knan tgn'na Lee..

Friday, January 09, 2009

10 signs I'n in Luph with U

dr MySpace nii.. kheyen 'n bnr bgtz isi'na... Photobucket

Love Myspace Comments


mon amour pour vous, Lee... Photobucket

Love is incredible...
See everyone is capable...
Makes hearts unbreakable...
Feels like untouchable..

Love is sweet...
From the time we have to meet...
Gives me all the biggest hit...
Right in my mind just what I need...

Love is pride...
Never wanna leave from Ur side...
That shows me the light...
And always makes me bright...

Love is everything...
To the end from the beginning...
In my ears keep whispering...
Keep the strength and struggling...

Love is true...
Lose it just makes me blue...
Like ships need the crew...
Together and forever with U...

Love Myspace Comments
- Kha -

Candy - I wanna be with U

biarlah sepiku berlalu
hatimu warnai hidupku
dirimu terangi jiwaku
indahnya selalu bersamamu

dengarlah kicau burung kecil
nyanyikan suara hati kita
kau buat aku jatuh cinta
selamanya selalu bersamamu

I wanna be with you
kaulah kasihku
menikmati indahnya cinta bersama

I wanna be with you
kaulah sayangku
biarlah cinta kita bersemi abadi selamanya

lihatlah birunya lautan
sebiru cintaku padamu
asa ku Tuhan satukanlah
hatimu hatiku selamanya

I wanna be with you
kaulah kasihku
menikmati indahnya cinta bersama

I wanna be with you
kaulah sayangku
biarlah cinta kita bersemi abadi selamanya

dengarlah kicau burung kecil
nyanyikan suara hati kita
kau buat aku jatuh cinta
selamanya selalu bersamamu

asa ku Tuhan satukanlah
hatimu hatiku selamanya

I wanna be with you

ungkapan ati lagiii.. Photobucket

Candy - Sungguh Cinta

Telah kukatakan tapi kan kuulangi lagi
Sejak kita bertemu seakan duniaku bermulai
Diriku telah mulai cintamulah paling terindah
Yang Tuhan beri padaku, jadi satu tak berakhir

Kusadari takkan terlupa dirimu dan perhatian
Betapa kusayang kau, dan kucinta kau
Takkanku simpan perasaanku
Kuharap kau mengerti

Sekarang teriak pada langit
Selain kau tak ada yang lain
Janji pada lautan kan kulakukan semua untukmu
Sumpah lewat bulan bintang
Tanpamu hidupku tiada arti
Tantanganku katakan ini
Sepenuh hati padamu ku sungguh cinta

Telah kukatakan tapi kan kuulangi lagi
Sejak kita bertemu seakan duniaku bermulai…

Kusadari takkan terlupa dirimu dan perhatian
Betapa kusayang kau, dan kucinta kau
Takkanku simpan perasaanku
Kuharap kau mengerti

Sekarang teriak pada langit
Selain kau tak ada yang lain
Janji pada lautan kan kulakukan semua untukmu
Sumpah lewat bulan bintang
Tanpamu hidupku tiada arti
Tantanganku katakan ini
Sepenuh hati padamu ku sungguh cinta

Listen to this yow…
I share to this sky a bumping to the…[aaaaaa]
Promise to the ocean and the mountain with the human outside
I can't say these…
I can't say these…

Andai sekarang...
Kau tak yakin jua..
Kan ku bilang semua kembali..

Ku sungguh cinta…

Ku sungguh cinta…

Teriak pada langit
Selain kau tak ada yang lain
Janji pada lautan kan ku lakukan semua untukmu
Sumpah lewat bulan bintang
Tanpamu hidupku tiada arti
Tantanganku katakan ini
Sepenuh hati padamu ku sungguh cinta

Sungguh cinta...

Sungguh cinta..

ungkapan atii.. gyaaaa... Photobucket

Monday, January 05, 2009

yoyocici love letter~

Gyaaaaa... Liad2.. Ntn2 niii.. Vid yoyocici.. ihihihihih..
eka fans yoyocici jg looo... Photobucket

Miaaw2 chit chat

Guess what.. Vid luthu nii.. 2 miaww imoetzz lg chit chat..
ihihihihi.. perhatiin dech.. Photobucket

Sunday, January 04, 2009

Cado Cado

Review bku kheyen niii... Judul'na Cado Cado (Catatan Dodol Calon Dokter).. Awal bc gr2 d'tawarin cc yg ma'asiswi kdokteran.. Smpet pnasaran, koQ cc yg nda sk novel2 aliaz bku2 yg isi'na tlz'an mwa, mala niad bgt bc nii bku... Bgt d'bc.. Bnran dech.. Bku'na kocak buangeetzzz..

Cover bku'na kek gni nii..

Bku nii isi'na ttg pngalaman2 co-ass'na Riva, c' pnuliz bku... Yg bkin luthu itu kisah2 dy yg gokil2 'n luthu.. Pa mwa co-ass gt yaah.. Gmn cc nanti yaah.. Photobucket

Pk'na nii bku wajib d'bca.. Isi'na Luthu2 dech.. Mule dr nanganin pasien banci.. Kjadian wkt co-ass d' hum akit jiwa.. de el el..

nda nyezel dech bc'na...Photobucket

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